TA Office Hours are held in Cubicle C on the first floor of Welch Hall (the first floor is the basement). TA's take turns staffing the cubicle, so if you go on Thursday at 1:pm, for example, either Xi Chen or Guang Gao will be there.
Dr. Anderson's office hours are held in WEL 5.220A. Dr. Anderson will also be happy to schedule an appointment to meet with you any time during the week. Just drop him an e-mail. Don't be shy -- you're paying him anyway, so you might as well get some use out of him. This is what his spring schedule looks like.
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:AM Dr. Anderson, WEL 5.220A
TUESDAY 1:00 - 2:PM Ken / Ron
WEDNESDAY 11:00 - 12:NOON Dipankar / Young Nam
1:00 - 2:PM Orf / Alex
THURSDAY 1:00 - 2:PM Xi / Guang
FRIDAY 11:00 - 12:NOON Michelle / Kristen
Questions? E-mail Dr. Anderson.