TA Office Hours are held in Cubicle C on the first floor of Welch Hall (the first floor is the basement).

TA Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11 - 12:noon, and Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 - 2:pm.  There will always be one CH204 TA on duty during these hours.  The TA's listed below will take turns staffing the cubicle, so when you go you will find either one or the other there to help you.

Tuesday        11 - 12:   Daniel Propheter / Evelyn Rosen
                         1 - 2:     Si Chon Lao / Christina Wales

Wednesday   11 - 12:   Yu-shan Yeh / Audrea Buckley
                          1 - 2:     Monica Villa / Ryan Patman

Thursday       11 - 12:   Travis Hesterberg / Josh Biberdorf

Dr. Anderson's office hours are Thursdays from 9 - 10 AM in Welch 5.220A.  But if you have a question, feel free to e-mail me at any time and don't wait for office hours to roll around.  I'm happy to meet with you any time during the week.  Don't be shy -- you're paying me anyway, so you might as well get some use out of me.  My teaching schedule looks like this (PDF).

Questions?  E-mail Dr. Anderson.



End of Semester FAQ!
(updated 12/14/2006)

What's New
(updated 12/14/2006)




Teaching Assistants

Office Hours

Unknown Summary Sheets




Herr Doktor Anderson